Monday, March 29, 2010

Student of the Month

So each month and Bell Elementary they draw a name from each class to be the "Student of the Month." Each student can increase his chances with good behavior which results in extra tickets with their name being put in the draw. Each month Brayden has been wishing and hoping and recently he even made it a matter of prayer that he could be drawn as the student of the month and what do you know- March was his month. He got a special breakfast with his parents and teacher and a special lunch with the principal and a coupon for buffalo wild wings. To make the event even more special, his friends Carson and Brian were also drawn this month so it was a fun time!

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Last week Kevin got summoned to Jury duty. He was very excited about this. He called the hotline every day and it said they didnt need him. He has really wanted to go- to have a day off work and be part of the justice system.

Now today he had taken the day off work just to watch March Madness. He was so anxious about the BYU game, he could hardly sleep. He told me this morning he had never been so excited for a game in his life... and then guess what... he got called in for jury duty TODAY.

Poor Kevin.


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Pregnant Thoughts

March 10, 2010

I am still in my pajamas and it is almost lunchtime. I NEVER do this! I am always dressed and showered and usually exercised by 9:30 so I feel so lazy but at the same time- why not! I feel sick - oh so sick-. I had a bad nights sleep. I woke up at 2:30 with a pounding headache. This morning I was nauseated and my head was still pounding. So here it is 11:30 and with some ramen noodles and oranges, my stomach is feeling better and my head has stabilized. I debated about seeing the doctor about my headaches but I did some reading on line and figured there is not much they can do for me.

So I am trying not to complain. I want to be positive. I am really happy to be able to have another baby. I really am excited for another blessing to be added to my life- that's really the way I see it.

Monday, March 08, 2010


Brielle is in a really cute stage as she learns to talk. She talks a lot and can say anything... of course whether or not I can understand it, is a whole other matter. She has a few really cute phrases she uses all the time that I tried to get her to say on a little video clip. I love the way she says:
*"peanut butter sandwich"
*"but mom" which is always drawn out and dramatic- making me laugh every time - its more like "But MOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM"- just like a teenager- I dont know where she picked it up but hilarious"
* "thats silly" (so funny that she says this all the time- I think she got this one from me)
* "needs batteries" (more like "mees baaaarries" -She says this about ANYTHING that isnt working for her- whether its battery operated or not.