Sunday, May 29, 2011

7 Months Old

Emmitt these days: He's sitting up pretty much without falling down. He's starting to get tiny pieces of food fed to him from off our dinner table. He's still getting one night feeding. He's happy and smiley and adored by the masses. We love him to pieces!

Friday, May 27, 2011

mmmm donuts...

If you watched the Royal Wedding recently (and who didnt) then you will appreciate the "hat-like" flower she was sporting. I called her Lady Brielle that day :)

Our now annual Twin Rivers Fishing Trip with the Thomas'

I think the title pretty much sums it up. Here are some pics...

I know, I know- Emmitts hat is kinda hideous... but it had good sun coverage and arent fishing hats notorious for being ugly. So he was just REALLY getting in to it.

Despite some potty accidents, the trip was a success. We more than doubled the number of fish we caught from last year. Then we caught 2, this year we caught 5.
Let the Summer time fun begin!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

My little man!

Oh how we love having Emmitt in our family!

Poor Brayden can't catch a break... oh wait- actually he can

About a month ago, Brayden was trying to raise up our basketball hoop with some other kids and they all let go at the wrong time causing it to come crashing down on Braydens shoulder. The next day he could barely move it and his hand swelled up so we took him to the doctor. After numerous x-rays ($450 worth to be exact) it was determined it was just sprained. He suffered for a couple of weeks in a sling.
Then last week he was playing basketball at school and hurt his finger. He called me to tell me and I gave him sympathy but assumed he was fine and left him at school. He continued to complain about it that evening and we continued to tell him he was okay (hmmm maybe the name of this post should be "bad mom makes big mistake"). Well the next day it was really swollen so we bit the bullet and took him in. Turns out he broke the bone in the bottom half of his pointer finger on his left hand.... ooops :)
Well now he is splinted up and out for the season on flag football, upcoming basketball camps and the first session of summer swim lessons. Poor guy! I feel really bad for him and I am so sorry for downplaying it all at first. I may have been a mom for 9 years now but I'm still learning :)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mothers Day

I was a very spoiled mother on Mothers day. It was a terrific day. Kevin got up early with the early risers and made me and Brayden (who's actual Birthday fell on Mothers day this year) a yummy breakfast. Then Kevin had no high council responsibilities so he took Emmitt all of church and even stayed to help in Primary. I was showered with fabulous gifts pictured below. And then the day was topped off with another yummy barbecue dinner. Thank you family- you are the best!

Here's a close up of Makenna's poem she wrote for me. I just love that M is for Momalicious!
I can think of no greater compliment :)

And here is a close up of some of the coupons Makenna gave me... I love how on the coupon for "One bedroom cleaning" she crossed out the room part so it just says "One room cleaning"

And here's the close up of what Kevin got me- its a cover for my iphone with my name on it.
(some anonymous lady sent him an email suggesting it... thank you anonymous lady!)

Happy Birthday Brayden

I can't believe he is 9! Holy Cow! That is so grown up!
He invited 7 friends over for "Brayden's Amazing Birthday Pizza Machine" Party. The kids collected tickets at various stations and then redeemed them for prizes at my prize table. It was chaos but I think the kids had a great time. Brayden is a great kid. We love him very much!

Better Late Than Never

We were a whole week late this year but in keeping with tradition we did roll our Easter Eggs. Kevin won the prize for the furthest roll without breaking and Brielle won the prize for best dressed :)