Friday, October 30, 2009

A moment of nostalgia

So this post isn't chronologically correct, but I stumbled onto this clip while trying to organize all my videos from our camcorder onto dvds and I just thought I would post it.

Monday, October 26, 2009

I see sales in his future...

Brayden is always begging to sell lemonade or toys or have a garage sale. I guess during Fall, rocks are the hot item to sell. Its not even so much the money he's after. Its more the thrill of the sale. He's a funny kid.
I don't know if you can read the top corner of the sign but it says "if you give us a dollar, we will give you 15 rocks" Now I don't know if those are small rocks or big rocks but that could be quite a deal!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Vala's Pumpkin Patch 2009

Viewer Warning: Picture Overload forthcoming...

We just love pumpkin patches.
On the Hay RideWe ran into our friends the Roblyers there at the patch. That was esspecially fun for the kids.
- not sure if Brielle was trying to eat the pumpkin or kiss it?

Brielle tried to pick up several pumpkins but kept getting pricked by their prickly stems- hence the needed consolation from daddy.

I love the sky in this picture. Fall is such a beautiful time of year and we had perfect patch weather. I even ended up with a sunburn.
Kevin threw a pumpkin to one of our friends like it was a football. Needless to say there was some injury to the receiver on that one...

We spent a lot of time on the jumping pillows. They are so much fun!

The tractor pull.

I think the corn box was new this year. The kids and dad sure got into it!

And then the pedal karts- its too bad Brayden didnt really have fun on these
(catch the sarcasm?)

It was so great to have Uncle Scott along with us for our pumpkin patch adventure. He had fall break- perfect timing!

Happy Fall Everyone!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Happy Birthday To Brielle

Brielle is officially two, as of Thursday October 15th. We officially celebrated on Saturday since on Thursday life was busy (hence Brielle has no clothes on, mom is wearing sweats and dad is still in his work attire). She did get to open her package from Oma and Opa which she had been carrying around all afternoon singing Happy Birthday to herself. It was really cute- another instance of her imitating her big sister. Luckily it contained clothes so by the end of the day, she was wearing something :)She loves her new giggle and shake baby and looks so cute in her pj's and dress- Thanks Oma and Opa!
On Saturday we officially celebrated her birthday. We had our friends the Williams over for pizza, cake, presents and then some BYU football. I think she really caught on to the birthday thing and milked it for all it was worth. I resisted for a while but eventually decided to make the same old Dora cake- because I knew she would love it- and she did. She stood and watched me make it and walked around all day talking about her Dora cake. I actually think its one of my better Dora's (practise makes perfect- or closer to it).Brielle was very excited for presents. When she spotted them on the fireplace she knew just what to do. She loved her disney gear from Grandma, her puzzles from the Williams, and her Dora ride on from mom and dad. I can't believe she is two. She is so old now!This picture is her party guests being silly about not looking while she was putting on her new princess shirt:)
Ta Da- She is Two!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Swine Flu Strikes

The swine flu is sweeping through this town and it seems like everyone is getting it. Yesterday I suspected Brayden had it and so I took him to the doctor where she confirmed it and equipped him and the girls with some tamiflu. That medicine worked wonders because today Brayden woke up fever free. He was beyond miserable yesterday but today he seems to have made a miraculous recovery. We are crossing our fingers that he will be the only afflicted from our family... we shall see.
The doctor gave us masks to wear, or I guess she just gave Brayden masks but somehow we all ended up having quite a fun time with the masks.

Makenna "Looses" her First Tooth

Last week we went to the dentist to have Makenna's "dead" tooth (or as she called it her colorful tooth) pulled. The dentist said it was showing signs of infection so it had to come out. Apparently she might go a couple of years with no tooth in that spot so here is a toothless grin to get used to.
This one was taken just after we got home from the dentist so her top lip is still frozen. She was a very brave girl, and very excited to get her first visit from the tooth fairy.

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Flag Football

The last two games, I have gone to watch Brayden with the intent to get some great footage of him playing to post here. Well I am a bit too distracted to get very good footage because the girls have regular game crisis's. Last week it was Makenna who was stung by a bee and this week it was Brielle spilling her hot chocolate and running the field like the football players do. So here s a brief few uneventful clips to hold you over. We have two more games and maybe then we will get some great clips. Brayden is really coming along as a football player. He loves going - mostly because of his friends Zack and Jake. Kevin is co-coaching with their dad (Matt Williams) and they work really hard to get their team inline. They are great.

My flag football Divas.