Saturday, October 17, 2009

Happy Birthday To Brielle

Brielle is officially two, as of Thursday October 15th. We officially celebrated on Saturday since on Thursday life was busy (hence Brielle has no clothes on, mom is wearing sweats and dad is still in his work attire). She did get to open her package from Oma and Opa which she had been carrying around all afternoon singing Happy Birthday to herself. It was really cute- another instance of her imitating her big sister. Luckily it contained clothes so by the end of the day, she was wearing something :)She loves her new giggle and shake baby and looks so cute in her pj's and dress- Thanks Oma and Opa!
On Saturday we officially celebrated her birthday. We had our friends the Williams over for pizza, cake, presents and then some BYU football. I think she really caught on to the birthday thing and milked it for all it was worth. I resisted for a while but eventually decided to make the same old Dora cake- because I knew she would love it- and she did. She stood and watched me make it and walked around all day talking about her Dora cake. I actually think its one of my better Dora's (practise makes perfect- or closer to it).Brielle was very excited for presents. When she spotted them on the fireplace she knew just what to do. She loved her disney gear from Grandma, her puzzles from the Williams, and her Dora ride on from mom and dad. I can't believe she is two. She is so old now!This picture is her party guests being silly about not looking while she was putting on her new princess shirt:)
Ta Da- She is Two!

1 comment:

Grandma Eilie said...

Happy Birthday Brielle- Love you!