Monday, April 06, 2015

Snow Day Selfies

Sometimes when you unload your iphone onto the computer you find some gems that must be blogged.  These were from one of our snow days awhile back.  These kids are great at having fun together.  They really love each other and I LOVE that!

Primary Temple Trip

A few weeks ago we had a primary activity at the temple.  The kids had a tour of the grounds and got to come into the foyer and sing to the temple staff there.  It was lovely.

Happy Easter

We had a very nice Easter weekend this year.  Conference overlapped with Easter and we enjoyed a special visit from the Thomases.  It was a good time!

The kids swam to their hearts content even though the weather was not as warm as would be ideal for such an activity.  We also attended our wards easter egg hunt.

And of course we decorated eggs and found easter baskets...

After the kids found their baskets, they traded their candy, and during conference they used their candy for conference bingo...

And my favorite tradition as usual was the rolling of the easter eggs.  We had to drive a bit to find a good hill here in this flat Texas land, but we did eventually.  We enjoyed sharing this tradition with the Thomases who shockingly had never rolled easter eggs down a hill before.

 And this year the winner was Brayden.  His egg called "winner" proved itself and Brayden was very proud of his acomplishment.  It is a skill- not just luck as you might think ;)

Happy Easter!