Thursday, August 22, 2013


So Emmitt really likes the movie, "Despicable Me." Hes watched it a few too many times and has picked up many of the phrases and mannerisms of the villain.  His most repeated phrase all throughout the day is
HA HA SUCKERS!   or sometimes its just SUCKERS!  and sometimes its "So long Suckers..."

He doesnt really understand the meaning of it but he does have the evil tone and ennunciation down.  Tonight when I was putting him into bed, I said good night and he replied
"Ha ha suckers!"

Its probably terrible but I cant help but just laugh.


Brielle has almost completed her first week of kindergarten.  She is happy every day after school and she tells me she had a good time.  She has been dragging a bit in the mornings but generally doing well.  Today though as we were outside walking she said to me

"Mom I wonder if Emmitt will be like me when he goes to school- really excited to go to kindergarten but then once you get there just kinda like missing everybody and stuff..."

I miss her too.  Oh sooooo much!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Back to School...and Brielle starts Kindergarten!

Dont they look so big!  I cant believe how old they are getting.  Here they are in their new school clothes that they each picked out themselves- head to toe.  They sure are full of personality- these little people!
The kids and their friends Carson, Brian and Ally outside Bell Elementary

It was a big morning for Brielle.  Her fist day of Kindergarten! She was a bit nervous that she would be shy but she woke up excited and eager this morning.  I had a bit of a hard time saying good bye.  As my kids get older I realize more and more how fast time flies and I know that once they start school, they really grow up and don't need me so much anymore.  Its a hard pill to swallow.  We are very happy for Brielle though to go learn and grow.  Its a great school and this year she has Mrs McMains which is who Makenna had for Kindergarten.  She will have a fun time and even though I will miss my little girl, Im excited for her!

Thursday, August 08, 2013

The Hammers, Mount Rushmore and the Black Hills

About three years ago, our good friends the Hammers moved away from Papillion to South Dakota.  On our drive back from Canada we were excited to finally get the chance to visit them for a couple of days.  It was just like old times and they were so welcoming and hospitable.  The area was gorgeous and amid the famous Black Hills there are some beautiful things to see and do.

The next day, the Hammers took us to Sylvan Lake which was absolutely breathtaking.  We went for a hike and there was so much to explore.  There were a lot of rocks to climb on which was really fun for the kids.  They loved to climb and explore.  Then we had a picnic lunch and the kids and dads went swimming.  They could swim out to some cool rocks and jump in.  It was great.



Sylvan Lake was a great spot.  You should go sometime if your ever in the area.

After that adventure we went for ice cream and then the moms and toddlers went for a rest while the boys and big kids went on an adventure to a place called "Hippie Hole." 
Kevin may add a better description of the events but it sounds like a treacherous hike and some dangerous cliff jumping.  Heres a link to a video of Brayden and Kevin jumping off some rocks about 30 feet up and then a video of some teenagers (not with us but by them) jumping off from about 90 feet up.

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Canada Visit

Every year since I have lived in Omaha I have toyed with idea of driving home but not until this year was I brave enough.  Since it was a 21 hour drive to get there I decided I had better stay awhile.  Its overwhelming to try to fit 4 weeks of visiting into one blog post but I'll do my best.

After our long long long drive, we had some time with just Grandma and Grandpa before the cousins got home from their vacation.  We went to the movies and saw "Despicable Me 2" and on Sunday we went to see the new Calgary Temple.  It was gorgeous and would've been better for pictures had we not been invaded my an army of mosquitos.  Even still, I got a few good pictures.

When the Grigors arrived a few days later, my kids were ecstatic.  Emmitt and Noah were buddies. (granted they did hit each other A LOT and got crazy silly out of control).

And while I was there, I celebrated a birthday!
We spent a lot of time just hanging out, going to parks, eating, playing and just enjoying each others company.

Kevin flew home after the first weekend so that he could go to work.  His plan was to rejoin us three weeks later.  He decided to suprise me though and came back a week early so that we could spend our anniversary together.  

One of our favorite things to do is to go hike Big Hill Springs.  Its just so beautiful there and the   perfect amount of hiking for our littler kiddos.

Calaway Park

The kids just loved to have that time with their cousins and I think that is such a blessing for them.  What a great trip.