Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Canada Visit

Every year since I have lived in Omaha I have toyed with idea of driving home but not until this year was I brave enough.  Since it was a 21 hour drive to get there I decided I had better stay awhile.  Its overwhelming to try to fit 4 weeks of visiting into one blog post but I'll do my best.

After our long long long drive, we had some time with just Grandma and Grandpa before the cousins got home from their vacation.  We went to the movies and saw "Despicable Me 2" and on Sunday we went to see the new Calgary Temple.  It was gorgeous and would've been better for pictures had we not been invaded my an army of mosquitos.  Even still, I got a few good pictures.

When the Grigors arrived a few days later, my kids were ecstatic.  Emmitt and Noah were buddies. (granted they did hit each other A LOT and got crazy silly out of control).

And while I was there, I celebrated a birthday!
We spent a lot of time just hanging out, going to parks, eating, playing and just enjoying each others company.

Kevin flew home after the first weekend so that he could go to work.  His plan was to rejoin us three weeks later.  He decided to suprise me though and came back a week early so that we could spend our anniversary together.  

One of our favorite things to do is to go hike Big Hill Springs.  Its just so beautiful there and the   perfect amount of hiking for our littler kiddos.

Calaway Park

The kids just loved to have that time with their cousins and I think that is such a blessing for them.  What a great trip. 

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