Thursday, March 18, 2010


Last week Kevin got summoned to Jury duty. He was very excited about this. He called the hotline every day and it said they didnt need him. He has really wanted to go- to have a day off work and be part of the justice system.

Now today he had taken the day off work just to watch March Madness. He was so anxious about the BYU game, he could hardly sleep. He told me this morning he had never been so excited for a game in his life... and then guess what... he got called in for jury duty TODAY.

Poor Kevin.



Brian Williams said...

Ouch. Maybe the defendant is a big b-ball fan and will take the deal at the last minute?

Grandma Eilie said...

I got Kev's email and it seems it all turned out for him afterall! GO BYU

Melissa said...

Okay we dont need to feel bad for him anymore- the trial was postponed and he made it home in time for the game! Hooray! AND THEN WE WON! YEAH!

Emma and Dan said...

That was a GREAT game. Sorry, Kevin. I couldn't believe that they aired the whole thing here instead of a different, more local team.

As I write this, I am being forced to watch Wake Forest play rather than BYU. Maybe they'll switch back and forth?

jlthomas said...

Okay when Jacob told me this story I couldn't stop laughing! I did feel sorry for you Kevin but the irony of it was just too funny! Glad you got to see the game.