Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Attention Parents Everywhere

Next time you think of buying your child some new toy- think again. I have a better idea for you. Last week I bought one of those hand held dust buster things to try and get the stuff the vacuum doesn't get to. Well, Brayden has pretty much taken it over and spent more hours happily vacuuming then he has playing with all of his Christmas presents combined--- and our floors have never been cleaner! He can't wait for it to finish charging and then he goes at it again and again. Constantly, I hear- "mom, can I vacuum now?" He even begged his best buddy Mark to come over and see his new vacuum. Its hilarious, and wonderful. Today after play doh when the floor was covered in those dried up play doh crumbs he was able to clean the whole thing up himself. I'm telling you all --this is a mom's dream come true. The best $15 I ever spent!


Clemstock said...

That is awesome!!! I bet Lex would love one of those. Hmmm....

Tenay Jo said...

My sister's kids love dustbusters too. When they visited last summer, they cleaned my entire floor. It was great. Plus, since they are so small, they were even able to get behind my couches and armoire which had never been touched before. I can't wait until Kallen is older to enjoy in the dustbusting fun.

Kimber & Jeremy! said...

That is so funny and AWESOME. Much easier to clean up then a bunch of toys too. Maybe we should look into one of those over here!

Kimber & Jeremy! said...

P.S. You are awesome, I love taking the class with you and I miss you guys already.

Unknown said...

tell brayden he can bring those dust busting skills over anytime