Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Toys, pajamas, cupcakes, and snow, snow, snow

First, a Brielle update... isn't her facial expression hilarious- thats they way she looks almost all the time, except when she is smiling at you of course. She is getting so big and this morning she actually played with a toy- a definite milestone. Brayden and Makenna were beyond thrilled that they could entertain her with toys. So sweet!
Here the kids are showing off some new pajamas Oma sent. Quite the posers aren't they? Thank you Oma!

I was sadly disappointed that we didn't make a cake in our cake class yesterday so I woke up this morning and decided to make cupcakes- cute arent they? It was really fun.

This winter has been filled with so much snow- it's hard to believe. Shoveling is a daily chore and sometimes a twice daily chore. I just love how Brayden is always eager to shovel alongside his wonderful dad. I think it makes him feel ten feet tall!
and one more thing... check out this link to read all about our superstar dad
and this link to read about his superstar dad

I am not sure how long those links will work so my apologies if they already dont!


Norlund Clan said...

I have a hard time remembering that it is still winter. It is getting warm out here. It looks and feels like spring.

Melissa said...

Whoa! The articles of Kevin and his dad were totally impressive. I feel totally honored to be associated with such people. It helped inspire me to do something wonderful (and wish maybe I'd worked a little harder on my grades). Way to go!

Jessica said...

that is so funny about the shoveling. ethan LOVES to go out and shovel with scott. it really is insane how much snow we've gotten this year.

those cupcakes look so good. i was wondering if you had made them when i saw them at the baby shower last night!

Unknown said...

i love Kenna's Dora space suit! so adorable...

Poppy said...

Those are really cool articles. Congrats on the scholarship. The extra money sure doesn't hurt any! Well, at least you know you were meant to go to Hershey for Kevin's parents. Way to lead the way!

Julie G said...

Love the articles about Kevin and Steve. Kevin looks exactly like Brayden in his pic. It's so cute. What an honour! Good job Kevin!
That really is a lot of snow. At least it will make the grass really green this spring.

Grandma Eilie said...

Brielle is looking so very healthy! What a cutie, as are Kenna and Brayden in their new jams.
The articles were fun! Congrats Kevin - we are proud of you.
Shovel on! Mom

Rachel Durazzani said...
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Rachel Durazzani said...

Cute pictures of your cute kids. Matt is SO bummed that he is missing all that snow. Me...not so much. I'm okay without it...but from the way it looks and sounds, I doubt winter will be over when we get back.
PS: Those cupcakes look yummy!

Brian Williams said...

I'm not surprised in the least at your latest honor Kevin. Congratulations. I am looking forward to future trips to Nebraska as we now have many to visit there.

I think I would feel a tinge of guilt for eating one of those would be like defacing art or something. I guess I wouldn't feel that guilty.

tomwrx said...

Mel, your cake decorating is really making me wish you guys have ended up in Hershey. I could envision lots of yummy cakes to eat and no one to eat them, but wait, look, who is that, Misty and Tom? Oh, I bet they would love to eat some of my yummyness. Anyways, at least because now we are going to live really close to your in-laws, we will get to see you guys more frequently. That will be nice. Have you done any house looking yet in Omaha?

Kimber & Jeremy! said...

Cute kids, and cute cupcakes! I love the pictures of Kevin and Brayden; and what great articles. I want to be a gentleman farmer, or gentlewoman farmer(?). :) That would be SUCH a fun place to visit.