Thursday, September 06, 2012

Weekend Getaway: Kansas City

Just for fun, we decided to head to Kansas City this past weekend.  We were joined by our fabulous friends, the Thomas'.
 We left Omaha on Friday afternoon and our first stop in KC was the T Rex cafe.  We had visited one of these in Orlando and had a great time so we were excited to see one closer by.  We were seated here under a great big jellyfish.

Saturday Morning, we headed downtown to the Crown Center where we visited Hallmark's Kaleidoscope for some crafting fun.  The kids spent their time there painting hot wax on their fingers to make finger casts (that's not what the wax was for in case your wondering- it was for use on paper :).  Emma has a cast right now so that might have been where the idea came from but it sure was a hit with my kids.  I think they would say that was their trip highlight.
Emmitt played it safe with the watercolor paints.  Hes such a cutie!
 Then it was off to Fritz's for lunch.  Its a restaurant where the train delivers your food to the table.  The train mesmerized Emmitt so it made for a pretty pleasant lunch for the rest of us.

 Constant rain was definitely a "downer."  It rained and rained and of course I booked a hotel with an outdoor pool.  That threw a bit of a wrench into our plans.  Instead of an afternoon swim, we hit the local childrens museum.  The kids had a great time there.
I'm not sure if its a duck and a donkey or what but they sure are cute kids who play together so well.
And then it was off to the American Girl store.  My girls just recently have gotten into American Girls.  I gave Makenna my dearly beloved doll last Christmas and since then the girls have gradually become enthralled with these dolls.  Both of the girls have birthdays coming up so it was fun to scope things out with them.  That store is a wonder indeed.  And yes we left without buying anything... amazing!!!

On Sunday we went to the Independence Visitors Center.  It was lovely.

Quite a coincidence, we ran into the Wadsworths (our friends who used to live near us but moved to Des Moines).  That was pretty amazing and a lot of fun!

 The Visitors Center had a log cabin and a wagon the kids could play in.  Anywhere we go, they can just come up with these elaborate imaginative make believe games.  I'll be sad when they get too old for that kind of thing.
This is his "where is it" expression.  He was in a log cabin which he called a "Bomb" aka barn and he spent his whole time looking for and wondering where are the "i-ins" (chickens) and the "moos" (cows) were.
After that we lunched at the Olive Garden and then headed home.  It was a great weekend.  Good times with good friends and good kids.  Its a good life.

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