Monday, December 14, 2009

Snow DayS

Winter is here and it has come with a bang. Tuesday of last week we got about 10 inches of snow and then on Wednesday the winds went crazy and blew the snow all over the place. Thursday continued the craziness with treacherous roads and bitter cold.
The result: not 1, not 2 but 3 Snow Days!
Interestingly, the kids were as excited about not having school on Tuesday as they were about going back to school on Friday.All of the above pictures were actually taken on Monday- before the big blizzard- only this last one was taken after. The kids (esspecially Brayden) did still play outside A LOT durring the snow days but it was just to cold for me to want to go out and take pictures.
Thank goodness for play doh.
In an attempt to curb the encroaching boredom on day 2 at home, I mixed up some play doh which turned out to be a huge hit. Makenna played with it pretty much all day, and as she did she raved over and over about how this was so amazing that we could actually make our own play doh. I guess that means its been a while...


Grandma Eilie said...

You guys are snowy but it just makes you want to go to Florida more right? That's the effect our snow is having on us! Nine days!
Oh yeah - playdoh is the best invention ever. Looks like you made some beautiful colors.

Jennifer said...

Those pictures made me remember living in Kansas during the winter time. The cold in the midwest is different...."bitter" is a great word for it! I'm so glad that the kids are enjoying the snow. It is beautiful!