Monday, April 13, 2009

Crazy Friday

Last friday was the last official day of Spring Break. I had been telling the kids since the beginning of the week that we would go to the zoo and the children's museum and color eggs but every day something else came up so on Friday I transformed into some super mom and did it all. Can you say exhausting....anyways- here's some pics from the zoo--- their faces were painted from the children's museum.
Brielle loved the animals. She got so excited about every bird, giraffe, lizard and squirrel she saw. She loved to wave "hi" to them. It was really cute.

And then it was on to the eggs...
I thought this picture was so cute- Brayden was trying to give them Easter bunny ears. I was sad to send Brayden back to school this week (shocking, I know). These two were really good buddies which just made for a happy home and a happy mom all week long.

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