Friday, April 25, 2008

Happy Gradulation!!!!

The big day has arrived. (and no- I did not mis-spell my title. Thats how the kids were saying it all day -it's a mix between congratulations and graduation-- quite a good word, I think). Any way you say it ...HOORAY KEVIN DID IT !!! We may now refer to him as Master Kevin (or you can, I don't think I will :) We are so proud to have such a distinguished and well educated guy in our family. Kevin graduated at the top of his class and we couldn't be more proud of this official MBA! Way to go Kevin!Here is the long awaited cougar picture. And when I say long awaited- I mean it. We actually had to wait in line about 20 minutes for our turn to get this shot- and since it was such a cool spot, Brayden just had to have a go at it too (hopefully this is a foreshadowing of things to come- (and just to be clear I mean the graduating from BYU thing not the riding on a cougar thing).Kevin and friends.
And this is our family with the Dean of the Marriott school, Ned Hill- which is significant and cool because he was the one who interviewed Kevin and I for our marriage recommend so very long ago- which is one of those few moments in my life I actually remember quite well. He looked at our family and said that it looks like it worked out for us...
indeed it has Mr. Hill, indeed it has.

Now I know what you are thinking- this picture sure isn't very great. True- its not the shot of him shaking the dean's hand or actually being handed the diploma- but consider my situation- baby in one hand, camera in the other, Makenna underfoot, Brayden left in the seats as I dash (and by dash I mean move as fast as I could beg Makenna to go) through the Marriott center, up and down various stairways trying to find where to take the picture and trying (but failing) to make it in time to catch his name being called. All that considered- really the picture isn't so bad after all.


Grandma Eilie said...

Congratulations to all you Brandvolds (for taking all those GREAT pics) - but especially Kevin for graduating the MBA program. We are way proud of you. Can't wait to see you all! Grandma M

Brian Williams said...

Wow Kevin! Proud of you, bro. Best of luck to all of you on the move to Cornhusker land. Hopefully we will see you there soon. Again, congrats to both of you on the academic honors and on such an impressive looking family.

Norlund Clan said...

Congrats big brother

KB said...

Way to go Kev!

Clemstock said...

Congrats Kevin...from all of us.

Julie G said...

Congratulations Kevin. We are proud of you.