Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Getting into the BYU spirit.

Last week we went to the BYU Football Kickoff party and had a great time. At first Brayden was overwhelmed and esspecially weary of the "Cosmo' the cougar mascot. It only took a short while for Brayden to get right into things, getting his cougar shirt autographed and practicing his own football skills. Eventually he worked up to standing next to Cosmo but as you can see he never stopped being a bit nervous about him.
This picure of course has nothing to do with our BYU football party experience but it just seemed appropriate to add after my last post about the trouble my kids like to get into. Its hard to get the full effect of this lotion explosion. In addition to her legs and hands she also had thoroughly lotioned her tummy, which soaked right through her shirt. At least I dont have to worry about her getting dry skin!

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