Tuesday, June 07, 2022

YM Camp Adventure... sort of...

 The YM in our ward had been gearing up all year long to go on an epic backpacking adventure hike and camp this year.  Unfortunately, much like last year, mother nature had other plans.  The poor boys ended up getting rained out after just one day.  Its stormed and poured rain and they awoke in swimming pools in their tents.  It became unsafe to hike so they had to figure themselves a way out and coincidentally ended up at the same pizza place as the YW as we were headed home from our camp.  It was super fun to meet up with them.  Many of them were extremely disappointed (mostly leaders) but Emmitt was pretty thrilled because he said the first day hiking was rough and it was pretty miserable to think of waking up and repeating that the next day.

These are the only two pics of the YM's that I have... when they were on their way to camp...

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