Monday, November 23, 2020

Family Pictures 2020

 I did not think we were doing family pictures this year.   I thought with Brayden at college it just wouldn't work out and I was fine with that because they tend to be kind of stressful.  But instead I thought I would just snap a cute picture of the kids before church when Brayden was home for Thanksgiving break.  I bought the boys matching bow ties and that was the extent of my planning.  Well before church as I was getting ready I thought I might as well get a quick pic of the family while we are at it so I asked my neighbor Lisa if she would meet us outside and take a pic for us.  She of course graciously agreed but proceeded to take an entire shoot for us.  And they turned out so great!  Best family pics ever because there was no planning or stressing... and they turned out.  Big thanks to Lisa Schaack- best neighbor ever!

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