Thursday, March 20, 2014

My friend Snail... and a few other things about Emmitt

Emmitt is really keeping us on our toes these days.  He makes us laugh, keeps us busy and tests our patience to the extreme.  He's my most loving snuggler but also my most aggresive fighter.  Hes a whole lot of energy in a little package.  Heres some Emmitt snippets for posterity:

- He has a friend snail.  I dont know where it came from but one day he was going for a nap and he asked me if I could hold his friend snail for him.  I put out my hands and he put his snail in them and ever since then his friend snail has been an active participant in his life.  His snail is also his best scapegoat.  One day when Kevin was questioning him about some missing candy, Emmitt told him that his friend snail put it in his mouth.

- Emmitt hates pants.  I dont know why but he just prefers to be without.  When we come home he often takes off his shoes and pants together and then comes into the house.

- Emmitt is a bad guy and dont you dare tell him any different.  He likes to play the villain or he can compromise as long as he gets to fight the bad guy.  He loves to kick and punch and fight.  Once at the playground he was playing an angry chase game with a kid that he had just met.  The other kid asked if after this if they could play a nice game to which Emmitt adamantly replied "No I cant, I'm mean."

- He has his opinions.  The other day he told me he wanted me to go take a shower.  I asked him why and he said "I just dont like your hair to be that way." 

- He has to know what street you are on at all times while driving in the car.  He also insists on knowing the title of every song playing on the radio- and much like his sister Brielle he loves to sing along.

Heres a clip of him singing along with the movie Frozen.  Usually he belts it out more but I never catch those moments on film.  Its still pretty cute to me to watch him sing along:

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