Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Santa and the Train Museum

On Black Friday we broke tradition this year and neither Kevin nor I set foot in a store.  I think this is a first for us.  Instead we laid low and watched "Brave" with the kids and then set off to visit the Durham museum.  Its a train museum downtown that we thought Emmitt might enjoy.  They were also doing a tree lighting and had a lot of kids activities going on so we had a good time.

This was the hysterics that came when we actually got close to Santa.  We were foolish enough to think that Emmitt would not be scared of Santa since he loves that Dora episode with Santa so much but apparently Santa in real life... not so much.

Ive got to say this Santa was one of the best Ive ever visited.  A real beard and a real Mrs Claus with him.  He actually took a lot of time visitng with the kids and he was a real sweet man.  Definitely worth visiting this one next year.

We ran into our friends the Rivero's.  The kids got to decorate and eat cookies and make a few fun crafts too.  Notice that crazy man at the milk table in the back. I talked to him for a bit and yes he is as crazy as he looks.

After that we drove to our favorite Ice Cream place- Ted and Wally's, and then we drove around looking at all the Christmas lights downtown before heading home to bed.  It was a good day!

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