Saturday, April 21, 2012

Lambies Birthday!

Brielle is at that "obsessed with Birthdays" stage.  She is often wishing it was her birthday.  Last Thursday morning she excitedly told me that it was "Lambies" Birthday.  Lambie, also known sometimes as sheepie or Lampie was once owned by Grandma, then stolen by Makenna and now most often played with by Brielle.  She has been well loved, so if any of our stuffed animals deserve a birthday, I suppose she would be the one.  In the morning, Brielle wrapped up all sorts of toys in blankets as presents and lined them up on the fireplace.  One of her presents was a Cinderella dress that Lambie immediately wanted to wear of course.  After she had played that for a while she came to me and asked how to make a birthday cake.  Luckily I was able to avoid that mess since I had a small cake in my freezer that was needing to be used.  The kids had a great time decorating the cake and we all sang "Happy Birthday."  What a lucky lamb!

1 comment:

jlthomas said...

Love it! Sounds so much like things my kids do, especially the blanket wrapped presents.