Tuesday, September 21, 2010


For a while I thought that Brielle was just an easier child- not breaking or getting into things too much. She used to be pretty low maintenance. But lately that has all changed. As my post title says, she is into EVERYTHING these days. Her particular favorites include make up- including anything that resembles or could be imagined to be make up- particularly anything like lipstick and chapstick. She equally adores glue sticks, sun screen sticks, lotions, creams, soaps, syrups, and condiments and anything that can be poured... and also paints, markers and the like.
Some of her recent run ins have included:
-coating her entire face with one whole tub of my face cream- in some places it was a good inch thick on her face
- "cleaning" the bathroom wallls with hand sanitizer squirted on baby wipes- warning- that will discolor your walls. I had to repaint a whole wall after that one.
- coating the stair railings with a container of Vaseline. Luckily our railings are iron so that clean up wasn't too bad.
-filling the toilet with a whole roll of toilet paper... but I know what kid hasn't done that one!
-spreading our extra thick heavy duty diaper rash cream all over my couch- and I mean ALL OVER. That stuff is the worst to get out. My couch will never be the same...

All of the above, I haven't had the sense of humor to get out the camera for but yesterday when she markered herself while I was vacuuming- that moment I could laugh at and capture for your enjoyment.
Really, I do watch her. She is supervised. It always happens so fast and usually while I am dealing with some other kid, crisis or mess. I hope its just a passing phase...

I must however mention that Brielle's significant achievements of late include now sleeping in a bed instead of a crib and her really big news is that she is POTTY TRAINED and doing really well at that. Hooray for no diapers... at least for a little while :)


Julie G said...

Oh what a little cutie!!! I love these stories because I didn't have to clean up the messes! I do feel bad for you though. But look at what a great post it made!

Darci said...

cute! she's getting so BIG! i had mia really soon after kyson b/c he was my 'easy' kid- yeah until he hit 2.

Mikelle said...

Fun to get a Brandvold update. Just the other day Mikaila said, "You remember that Makenzie girl that moved to Canada? I miss her. Let's go visit her." So although her facts were a little skewed, we narrowed it down to Makenna. So we'll be right over to visit :) Hope you are doing well!

WaynenRissnKids said...

So I'm late on commenting, but I think this is so funny. Brenner was the same way. Just a curious/mischevious little thing. Wayne wasn't around much during those times and I kept saying, "really, I'm not ignoring him." Sometimes I would just go to the bathroom and he would pull out eggs from the fridge and start cracking them. Crazy kid.

Brenner has finally calmed down some, though we still keep a wary eye on him. I hope she does too, especially with the baby coming.

We miss you guys and hope everything is well there in Papillion!