Saturday, September 19, 2009

Makenna is 5!

It's a big year for Makenna- turning 5 - going to school all day and then playing outside all afternoon with the big kids. I can't believe how grown up she is. Her birthday was on Thursday and we celebrated with presents in the morning, a McDonalds lunch with mom at school, cupcakes with her class, and then after school it was off to the Amazing Pizza Machine for our traditional family celebration. We even got Uncle Scott to come along too.Here's Makenna with her Disney pass and swim cover up from Grandma and Grandpa.

And her she is with her "Littlest Pet Shoppe" paraphnalia from Brayden and Mom and Dad.

And with her new princess book with a few monetary suprises from Oma and Opa.

Brayden "won" this princess pillow from a game at the Pizza Machine and Makenna was quite pleased to receive it. She's actually sleeping on it as I type this.

Here's the other two enjoying their prizes from the Amazing Pizza Machine. In case you can't tell those are pink plastic fangs in Brielle's mouth. Normally a toddler her age might not be to keen on such a thing but if her siblings are doing it then don't even try to stop her- she wants to do it too. (I think the drool makes her look just that much more vampirish- dont you?)

These were the cupcakes we made for school. Makenna helped to make them including the cutting out of the hearts. When I asked her what kind of a party she wanted this year, she said a "heart party." I was expecting something like Dora or Princess or something a bit more common but the heart thing was so easy I certainly couldn't complain.

And then on to Saturdays PARTY!
We had pizza cut out like hearts for lunch- with grapes and Kool-Aid (a birthday only beverage).No shortage of Personality Here.

Then on to the Pinata (as a sidenote Makenna's mouth is blue from a ring pop she had been eating). Since both Kevin and I were holding up the rope the pinata was on- we have no pictures except this one. Before the party Makenna asked me if she could use the pinata for her horse after the party. I told her after we used it, it would be broken- to which she replied "So I should pretend like I want to kill my horse"

----hmmm, I am not so sure about the whole pinata idea anymore... next time I will pick a star or a ball or something less animal...

And then on to cake. Always a hit.
After cake there was present opening and then that was it. Out of all my parties ever done this was by far the least stressful. Usually I overplan and have to cram everything in. This year I took the "underachiever" route and it was pretty enjoyable. It helped having Brielle asleep most of the party, a wonderful helping husband, Brayden away at a different birthday party, and a few wondefully well behaved girls.
Happy Birthday Makenna
We love you so so soooooooooo much!


susie harty said...

Happy Birthday Makenna! Your heart cupcakes were cute and I bet they were yummy too!

jlthomas said...

Cute heart cakes! I like the idea of a heart party, cute and easy to find stuff! Sorry we missed the party, looks like Makenna had a good time!

Tkent said...

Fun! I can't believe she's 5...I'm trying to think of things for Kaden's party right now, I too am hoping for a simple/fun day!