Saturday, August 22, 2009

I'm Lost Without My Squirrel

The kids started school this week. They were both really excited and anxious. On Monday night we had "Back to School Night" where we walked with the kids to the school and met the teachers and saw the classrooms and then Tuesday morning was the big day. It was fun to finally see the new school, but surprisingly emotional too - to see those kids so grown up and to just leave them there. We both had a hard time keeping the emotions under control..
Walking to "Back to School Night"
Brayden finding his locker.

And then begins the first day of school... pictures before we left...Silly kids and great big smiles.
In front of the school photo op

Here's Brayden taking his seat on the actual first day of school. (yes we were those parents who follow their kid all the way taking pictures of every moment).

Makenna and her teacher.

And here is Makenna at her new seat on her first day of Kindergarten. You can tell from her ginormous smile that she is happy to be there.

And then there was one.... Poor Brielle was very solemn the first day of school. I wasn't sure if it was because she wasn't going or because that morning we instituted a no tv during breakfast rule- either way her mood was definitely abnormally sulky.

So now if you have been wondering what in the world my post title means- it's a Makennaism I just had to slide into this post somehow. She was playing with her friend Emily the other day and they were taking turns making up and singing dramatic theatrical songs and I had to laugh when Makenna said "Okay now do you want to hear my song- "I'm Lost Without My Squirrel."

That has kept me chuckling for days.


Phil Matkin said...

Oh I surely enjoyed those back to school pics. Brielle is very funny! And Kenna is very imaginative in her song compositions, that is for sure. She has sung a few for me and I marvel at the depth of it all!


Looks like a great school! What big kids you have! :) Poor Brielle is probably thinking she's missing out on something. Once she realizes how much "mommy time" she is going to have available to her she'll be feeling better. It is a very cute sad picture of her.

Mikelle said...

Exciting! Mikaila can't wait to start next monday. And I would love to hear her song!

Gina said...

Thanks for sharing these back to school photos. Is it so strange to just have one child at home now? See you guys soon!

Tkent said...

awe, how cute! i will be a mess when kaden starts kindergarten- i'm going to have a hard enough time with 4hrs of preschool/week this year.

Jennifer said...

Wow, that will be me tomorrow! It'll be so strange to just have one tomorrow. I hope you're all adjusting to the new school year. Your kids are getting so big!