Thursday, December 25, 2008

Brielle Walks...on Christmas Eve

Finally, the post you have all been waiting for-- Brielle's first steps!!! As Brayden so eloquently said "can you believe, Brielle learned to walk on Christmas Eve." The kids were wired and tired (as you can tell from the video) and that is always when Brielle learns new tricks. She just up and decided to walk and as usual -loved the attention so she kept it going.

After all that walking and wildness we tried to settle the kids in for a more calmer Christmas eve program. Here is a picture of the nativity cast. We had a little difficulty casting with 3 girls and only one boy in a story that is mostly male parts. Emma was Mary and Makenna and Natalie decided to be the 3 kings (with light up crowns being their motivation) but they insisted that Kevin be one two so that we actually had three. He was a good sport. You might want to enjoy this picture while you can, I suspect when Kevin see's it, he will make me take it down. After the play, it was pajama time and story time...such cutie patooties!
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!


jlthomas said...

Sorry, you got Natalie in that picture with just your kids! She loves posing for the camera!

Jennifer said...

How fun! I can't believe that she's walking now. She has grown up so fast! Looks like you guys had a great Christmas. I'm so glad that things are going so well for you. Justin is in shock that he started his final semester today. Where has the time gone?