Monday, May 12, 2008


We had a great visit these past two weeks with Oma and Opa at their new place in Pennsylvania. It was a taste of living I guess. We rode horses and went fishing and just enjoyed the beauty of nature. We were even lucky enough to see some old friends and meet some new friends. We had a great time and took about 200 pictures. I put them in a collage slideshow form just to give you a taste but first - here are a few favorites...
This is Brayden and his beloved Boomer. He rode that horse like a pro - a true cowboy.

While riding horses is something Kevin enjoys, what he really loves is riding this tractor mower thing- any excuse he could come up with and he would be out mowing or just driving it somewhere.

I think I can safely say that Kevin's favorite past time while we were there was fishing. He could do that quite happily ALL DAY long. I never quite caught on to the thrill (especially since we mostly just would catch em and let em go) but apparently for Kevin (and many other men) this is quite exciting. And I should probably mention that the beautiful fish featured above was one of the big wide mouth bass that seemed to be the most sought after fish in the pond. Way to go honey :)
Don't you love Makenna's "look-I-caught-a-fish" pose.

Why can't my kids just smile and say cheese? They always have to make some funky pose. They had a great time with these friends who came for a couple of days. We had a big marshmallow roast that night and the kids had a great time collecting firewood.

We also enjoyed a fabulous visit with the Bassetts- fun as always!

And we met up with some friends from the summer at Chocolate World. It was a great reunion.

And this picture shows the reason that I may (but probably not) be persuaded to get a dog. Makenna and Murphy were best buds while we were there. I especially appreciated Murphy taking over the role of Prince when Makenna needed a dance partner.


Anne-Elizabeth said...

Wow, looks like so much fun. You guys deserve it, after all that school! We miss you guys. Brayden looks like a true cowboy. What a great place to visit.

Becky J. said...

How fun that you got to go back to Pennsylvania again and see old friends as well as Kevin's family. Looks like it was way fun! Are you getting settled into your new place now? I can't wait to see pictures when you've got a second to post some! Good luck and take care!

Jennifer said...

What a fun time. Brandon loved looking at the pictures of Brayden on a horse and said that we need to get one at the horse store. If only it were that simple! Enjoy your time with family!

susie harty said...

It looks like you guys are really enjoying yourselves. I am jealous that you still have to wear a sweater in Pennsylvania. It is already really hot in Vegas. What were we thinking? By the way I love your family pictures. Who took them?


Clemstock said...

The picture of Makenna and Murphy was absolutely adorable! Two weeks there that is a nice and long time. How is the move and the new house going?