Tuesday, January 02, 2007

It's A Holly Jolly Christmas!

Merry Christmas to Everyone! My delay in blogging can be attributed to the fact that we are up in Calgary for Christmas. We are having a great time. There has been a lot of eating and game playing and wild children- all the things that make Christmas great! Kevin got a beanie from Scott which Kenna is wearing in the above picture. She is playing with the dishes she got from Santa- the most successful toy purchase Santa made, I must say.
This is the cast of our nativity this year. Makenna particularly enjoyed her role as Mary but did have a hard time understanding that the manger was not in fact for the mother but the baby.

Here's all the grandkids (except Jonah) opening their new pajamas!
Brayden is the littlest one on the left (in case you couldnt tel). No Christmas in Canada would be complete without a little ice time!


Jessica said...

that looks like so much fun! is it freezing up there? makenna looks so cute in her pajamas in the top picture. hope y'all enjoy the rest of your vacation!

Alyson M. said...

I'm just checking in, and it is so much fun to see pictures of your Christmas festivities. I've never ever seen the sight of children in hockey skates playing just for fun (unaffiliated with "team" activities). Pretty cool.