Thursday, March 12, 2020

Sipapu Take 3

For our third Spring Break in a row we traveled to the beautiful mountains of New Mexico to spend a couple of days skiing at the Sipapu ski resort.  We stayed at the same little mini cabins at the base of the hill which we love.  This time some of the Grigors were there for the first day and our friends the Neddos came to ski too.  It was a great time.  The weather was beautiful and the skiing was perfect!

Sunday, March 01, 2020

Emmitt's Science Fair Project

Emmitt and his friend Layla decided to do a science fair project together.  They decided to test different types of soil to see which one was best.  He tells me that Layla and him are the smartest two kids in the class so I guess that makes them a great pair for this.