Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Back to School...and Brielle starts Kindergarten!

Dont they look so big!  I cant believe how old they are getting.  Here they are in their new school clothes that they each picked out themselves- head to toe.  They sure are full of personality- these little people!
The kids and their friends Carson, Brian and Ally outside Bell Elementary

It was a big morning for Brielle.  Her fist day of Kindergarten! She was a bit nervous that she would be shy but she woke up excited and eager this morning.  I had a bit of a hard time saying good bye.  As my kids get older I realize more and more how fast time flies and I know that once they start school, they really grow up and don't need me so much anymore.  Its a hard pill to swallow.  We are very happy for Brielle though to go learn and grow.  Its a great school and this year she has Mrs McMains which is who Makenna had for Kindergarten.  She will have a fun time and even though I will miss my little girl, Im excited for her!

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